Via Parts Superstore

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Some reasons why our customers prefer genuine VIA parts

  • Via parts are the least expensive in the industry
  • We ourselves make most of the parts we sell
  • We offer a full range of parts for VIA MC2TM pinsetter
  • We offer a wide selection of popular parts common to other pinsetter brands

VIAPS stands for VIA Parts Superstore a revolutionary new concept in the pinsetter replacement parts business . With parts not only for VIA MC2 but also for other brands, including 82 series , GS, and a series of pinsetters of our competitors.

The VIAPS philosophy is simple. You and your mechanics know it as well as we do, pinsetter parts are not Space Shuttle components and shouldn’t be priced as they were.
VIAS’s manufacturing strength is right at this point. Simply, you need good quality product at the lowest possible prices.

The place where you can find it is VIAPS . Contact your local VIA dealer for a complete list of current inventory. This list grows by the day . We offer a wide range of parts and VIA works to build this list into the most comprehensive parts supply source in the world.

Basically the answer is yes – and if you have not found the desired part , check soon. There is always the possibility that the next time is already available .


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